Monday, 2 November 2009

Teacher Rough Cut Feedback

Feedback on representation of the artist:
Your video has a strong visual style, there are also good examples of framing but there are not enough shot types. There are a number of long shots, these need to be punctuated with close-ups. You need to incorporate close-ups very early on to visually establish your artist straight away.
The inclusion of more shot variety will address the other problem in your video which is that is needs to be more dynamic, there isn't enough movement in it.
Your video has a clear star image, you do look like a band, therefore the selection of mise-en-scene is very strong.

General feedback:
The selection of material is appropriate and i really like the strong use of colour and contrast in your video. The juxtaposition of a rock band outside a museum really works.
I really like the mise-en-scene of the letters but I don't think they work currently. It isn't clear to the viewer how they relate to the song. Therefore I would like to suggest a section at the beginning of the video which shows all the letters together so the viewer understands what they say and how they relate to the song/artist.

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