Monday, 2 November 2009

Response to Feedback

we agree that we took a lot of inspiration from current videos of are genre. we used performance and the use of instruments as seen in real professional work. The comment made about many bands using three members is also true and it does make our video seem more realistic.

Lyrics and Visuals
we appreciate that performanc ebased music videos do often not have a huge relationship between lyrics and visuals but it is a technique we tried to implement. this however may not have come across as we chose not to show the whole video as a rough cut. had they seen the whole video they would have seen that some actual lyrics are displayed on the screen throughout the video.

Music and Visuals
Again, with the choice to end the rough cut footage half way through the actual song we realised this wouldn't give the true impression of our whole work so we agree that the current ending is not good enough.
We tried to insert the worded visuals well and we spent time making this the case and are glad that has been accredited.
we are still in the process of fitting our footage into the most appropriate places to create the best effect and putting the heavier guitar footage with the heavier guitar passages in the song is a main focus.

Genre Characteristics
We studied our genre and the general characteristics of music videos inside of it. Dark clothing was one of our focusses to follow conventions aswwell as instruments, live performance, relating to the band and of course transitioning between shots in time with the music.

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