Monday, 2 November 2009

Peer Feedback

Q1-12 - Genre Characteristics
-The use of instruments and performance within the video is generic of this style of music.
-Showing all members of the band promotes their image.
-We liked the contrast between the setting and the 'grungey' style of the band and their music.
-The colouring and costumes were quite conventional as it is typical within this genre for the band to wear dark clothing.
-The variety of shot types allowed the audience to relate to the band as a whole aswell as each member individually (through the use of close-ups).
-Further the use of different frames by using the same framing style but for action aswell as lettering.
-We like the way that the shots have been edited in time with the music.

Q1-11 - Music and visuals
- The visuals fit well with the song with its upbeat tempo.
- We were unsure whether the song ended there or not but if not then it ended very abruptly
- The merging of the shots went well with the music and this made the visuals more empowering.
- We think that you could improve the music and visuals relationship by making the guitar shots fit with major guitar sounds.

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