Thursday, 5 November 2009

Media evaluation of filming and editing

Our filming day was fairly successful we managed to film in all of our locations once it had stopped raining and before it got dark, we needed to get it all film in the daytime so that it was consistent. The rain had left the ground very wet which caused some problems with glare on the camera later in the day. Following our storyboard we knew what we needed to film and where but we couldn’t use all the location we intended because there were more people around than we hadn’t originally anticipated but we managed to find suitable locations to replace these. We also lost some of our most important footage of close-ups on the lead singer singing, either by filming over it or by accidently not filming properly. To film the letters for the separate frames idea, I bought some electrical tape to create each letter because we could take it down afterwards, so we wouldn’t be vandalising anything by marking more permanent marks also because the tape was easy to use and was bold so effective on camera. The editing has been going well and not so well, due to many changes we’ve needed to make so that our work is seamless and effective as a music video. Our main idea has worked well so far(the idea to use lots of frames at the same time), it has been fairly easy to create and re size the different frames for all of our letters and to fit them all on screen as well as moving them at the correct times and directions.

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