Thursday, 10 December 2009

Transcipt Evaluation Commentaries

Tom Halkyard: Ok, so we were set the task of coming up with 3 media products for the release of an album as part of a promotional package. This had to include a Digipak magazine advert and a music video all created by ourselves.

Tom Halkyard: We were given the track, ‘Much Against Everyone’s Advice’ by Soulwax. We didn’t know much about the band but after researching them we were very happy with our choice.

Alex Winter: Our first step was to come up with ideas for the products we were going to produce. We created a pitch and presented it in front of our peers and got feedback used to improve ideas for our products

Tom Halkyard: Feedback we received was very useful and had lot of positives in it as to why our ideas were useful to our product. We received some feedback that helped us and put us off going with our ideas but most of it was good and we followed through with most or our ideas.

Keeley Moore: After receiving feedback from our pitch we researched further into the band soulwax and other bands from the genre indie/rock. We then e-mailed the band soulwax and asked their permission to film a new music video using their pre-existing track. They then e-mailed us back a few days later giving us their permission.
Using these ideas we created a storyboard and a shot by shot timeline so on our shooting day it would be easier to film all the footage we needed.

Tom Halkyard: So it came to the day of the shoot and we were all very excited and we had the storyboard and the shot by shot timeline ready for us so that we could stick to the script of what we had to do. There were a few challenges of our shoot such as:

Alex Winter: All our music video needed to be in the daytime so time was a massive issue

Tom Halkyard: We were only given a day to complete our filming so everything had to be planned very well in order to fit it all in.

Keeley Moore: It started raining in the beginning of the morning when we were planning to shoot.

Alex Winter: We did face some problems while filming, one of these was that it rained quite heavily in the night and the morning which hindered us going to some of our chosen locations.

Tom Halkyard: Also the rainy atmosphere was not part of the mise-en-scene we had planned for so we had to make some alterations to things such as camera angles.

Keeley Moore: Later in the day the weather turned out to be quite sunny there was still rain on the floor which created some glare on the camera in some of our locations.
Using the footage we filmed on the filming day we managed to compile a rough cut of our music video
But our rough cut was nothing like our final product due to time issues.

Tom Halkyard: The feedback wasn’t on the perfect rough cut we would have hoped for so some of the feedback we received was going to be negative anyway and we had already taken it into consideration. However, some feedback we received really did help us with thinking about how we can improve it for our final cut. This included techniques and other ideas of how to improve music video.
When we came up with the different frames idea we decided to practice the technique on simple images. Here is how it turned out.

Alex Winter: To improve the authenticity of the lip syncing we had the music playing in the background while we were filming and also the lyrics.

Tom Halkyard: The feedback we took into consideration the most was that we needed to include more close-ups. This way we would have better representation of the artist and everyone would know who the band members are closer up whereas before in the rough cut we had quite long distance shots

Alex Winter: So we decided to film tom, the main singer of the band singing the whole song in 3 different locations.

Tom Halkyard: This way we could cut to and from the distance shots to have good varied shot lengths.

Keeley Moore: Using this extra footage we collected we edited it and mixed into our original footage to create our final music video.

Tom Halkyard: Now our music video was complete we moved onto the ancillary products. The first of which was the Digipak. We looked at samples of them from real life examples such as Blur and Alicia Keys.

Alex Winter: We looked at the conventions of indie/rock genre Digipaks. We found from this that they are quite colourful.

Tom Halkyard: Other, more obvious, features of the Digipak are; the album title, the artist, the record label and the track listings as well as others.

Keeley Moore: After researching more into this information we then went out to our previous locations we filmed in to take pictures for the digipak and magazine advert.

Tom Halkyard: Going back to take pictures where we filmed added to the effectiveness of the combination of the products.

Alex Winter: It also created a link.

Tom Halkyard: We also looked at examples of magazine adverts particularly from our genre and the conventions of these.

Alex Winter: The conventions of the magazine advert have more advertising details such as the release date of the album.

Tom Halkyard: After research and planning we set about creating our ancillary products using many of the conventions we had found from the samples

Keeley Moore: We used many of the different photoshop tools to edit our images to make them look the best for our magazine advert and for our Digipak.

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